Today I will elaborate on a very crucial question I am sure many of you have been concerned by in the last days: how do birthdays look like in Hyderabad???
It started for me yesterday at 7.15 am by a Tahitian danse on the screen of my laptop. There were also some polar bears and penguins all sending their very best wishes. Mmmmmh. Quite unusual, I would not have expected Tahitian dancers and arctic animals to come over here. There was even an enigmatic lalalalalalaaaa email which - despite the early hour and my reduced brain capacities (yes, one year older and so many neurons less) - I immediately recognised to be the "joyeux anniversaire" song. It was not a bad start.
Tea time at work was also special. I had brought a few biscuits bought the day before at the local supermarket in the closest town, Chanda Nagar. I had chosen some local Indian biscuits - but all my colleagues asked me if they were French... ok next time I will bring French biscuits. The Indian ones were not that great although the cashew sweets (a very hard and very sweet thin squared piece of sugary-very sugary-cashew paste) did not last long.
I was glad to hear during the day that the phone communication quality between the Limousin, Olivet and Hyderabad was good...
Then, I went out for dinner with a few friends. To test if they were really good friends I had booked a small 4-seat taxi for 5 at the traffic peak-time. I had booked the taxi for 8h to be sure we would not get a larger and more comfortable taxi to come back. My friends successfully passed the test and we arrived after one hour drive to Chutneys - the best Indian restaurant I have never been so far. I promise to whoever come to visit me we will go there!
Then we ended up in a trendy fashion bar - where they serve alcohol. And sizzling chocolate brownies. Just see the picture of the brownies - and a picture of me ready to attack the chocolate cake with my spoon. We had to join our forces - of five people - to defeat it. Oufff.
So now you know how birthdays look like in Hyderabad. If you want to share your birthday experience from other parts of the world, this is the time and place to send your comments!
Les blogs c'est super ! Je te souhaite un séjour agréable en Inde, avec de belles découvertes.
As tu pris ta basse ? J'imagine sinon que "White room" joué au sitar aurait une son incroyable !
salut Fabien
les blogs c'est super et facebook c'est pas mal non plus... Ma basse se repose en France depuis deja 2 ans... et toi qu'as-tu fait de ta guitare?!
J'en profite pour te souhaiter un joyeux anniversaire, avec un poil de retard !
Mon électrique n'en finit plus de rouiller, je ne joue plus que de l'acoustique - c'est moche de vieillir...
Le blog que j'ai tenu en Afrique m'a apporté plein de commentaires sympas, je renvoie donc la balle : je viens de m'inscrire à tes posts, n'hésite pas à faire quelques chroniques sur la musique indienne !!!
Coucou Floriane !
Tout d'abord, je te souhaite un très Joyeux Anniversaire (avec aussi un peu de retard...)
Je suis ravie de suivre tes aventures sur ce blog !
J'aurais l'impression de lire un nouveau carnet d'Alexandra David Néel.
N'est-ce pas que sa destinée est extraordinaire et certains événements frappants de ressemblance ???
Je suis contente que sa bio t'ait plu !
J'ai hâte d'avoir encore des news sur ta vie indienne, et surtout sur les mets culinaires que je dévore des yeux à défaut de les dévorer avec toi!
Miaaam !
Joyeux anniversaire soldat Rian. J'ai enfin eu le temps de lire quelques mots de ton blog. merci pour ce blog. Et de grosses bises.
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