Thursday 21 May 2009

Un petit vent de paresse... Some laziness in the air?

Avant que je ne rentre en France pour des vacances bien meritees, quelques instantanes des deux derniers mois de ma vie en Inde dans le desordre...

Time flies - a snapshot of what I have done for the last 2 months - when I was not writing the blog....

Cooking rotis at home ...

First try Another try, 2 months after

Inviting my lovely neighbours Raju and Ammu for a French/Spanish/Italian dinner...

Ammu and I - laughing at Raju

Ammu and Raju (who tries to make the "bad boy")

Trying a sari for the first time...

with Mukesh in Basra (the village where I work in Haryana) (left)

And photographing bhabhi in Basra... I love this picture!